If your business is not taking advantage of our new hire self-onboarding system, you can add new employees to payroll manually by following these steps.
1. Log into the KitchenSync portal and navigate to the Payroll Module application.
2. Use the left side menu bar to navigate to the Employee/General Info screen.
3. At the top right click "+ New Employee" button.
4. Follow the prompts to fill in as much information as you can on the next four screens (General Info, Employment Info, Employee Mapping, and Tax Info).
a. General Info - All of the info on this page can be pulled from your new hire's completed I-9 form. You must enter a social security number on this screen in order to be able to save the record.
b. Employment Info - There are two aspects to this screen: 1) Information about the employee's work status and work authorization, and 2) information about the employee's position within the company.
Work Status
i. Job Classification: If you're not sure, choose "Part Time."
ii. Status: New hires will always be "Active"
iii. Payroll System Status: Choose "ACTIVE - HIRED."
iv. Date of Hire: This is the first day our system will recognize a time card for this employee.
v. Eligibility: This can be found on your new hire's I-9 form.
vi. This will only apply to employees whose eligibility type is "alien authorized to work."
Job Info
i. Click "+ Add Job" to input position info for your new hire
ii. On the pop-up screen, fill in all the fields.
Rate $: Even if your employee's base pay rate will be reduced when tip credit is applied, enter the full (not reduced) pay rate in the "Rate $" field.
Effective Date: This is the first date our system will recognize a time card for this employee at this position.
Save: Be sure to click "Save" on the pop-up screen before closing it.
iii. Click "Save" again at the bottom of the Employment Info screen before moving on.
c. Tax Info - Information for this screen can be found on your new hire's federal W-4 and state tax withholding forms.
Note: W-4s have changed in recent years. The entries for Lines 3, 4a, and 4b should be dollar amounts, not the number of allowances a person wants to claim.
d. Employee Mapping - This is where you will establish the bridge between your employee's POS record and their record in our system. There are two layers to each bridge: 1) The person, and 2) the job.
i. If your employee is a salaried manager and you don't need to record their work hours, click the "Select" box next to the employee's name > click the "Ignore" icon > then press "save."
ii. For all other employees, click the "Select" box next to the employee's name, then:
Under the "Payroll Employee" column, find the name of the employee that matches the name showing in the "POS Employee Name" column. Use critical thinking here. You're telling the system, "This person in the POS is the same person as this guy in the payroll system." If you match up the wrong POS record to the wrong payroll record, one employee will get paid for hours another employee worked.
Under the "Payroll Job" column, select the job name that matches up to the "POS Job" listed in the same row of the table. Here, you're telling the system, "when John Smith punches in as a bartender in the POS, allocate those hours to his bartender role in payroll."
NOTE: Each "payroll job" carries with it a specific pay rate that you set up in the previous Employment Info section. If you map a POS job to the wrong Payroll Job, your employee may be paid at an incorrect hourly rate. This is most common when employees work different positions, especially at different pay rates.
iii. Click "Save" at the bottom of the screen before moving on.
e. Direct deposit - You may ignore this section, as the employee will have the opportunity to manage their direct deposit setup directly through their own login to the payroll processing app.
That's it. You're done! If you run into any problems along the way, give us a call at 424.248.9289 for immediate assistance.