What does KitchenSync need from me to get started with Human Resources services?

Depending on the services you have selected, we need some information from you to start your Human Resources onboarding process:



HR Basics Team Management Compliance Benefits Setup Benefits Admin Retention
FEIN X X   X X  
SUI ID X X X      
WC Policy Declaration Page X X X      
Business website   X        
Worksite address X X X X X X
Worksite Phone X X X      
Existing Employee Handbook and other Customized Onboarding Documents X X X      
List of Active Employees   X X X X  

Existing Employee Certifications

(Harassment, Food Safety, Alcohol Safety, COVID Vaccination Status)


Existing Benefit Plan Contracts

      X X  

Existing Benefit Plan Logins

      X X  

Existing OSHA Injury Report Log
